Keywords: Ford A9503 NLGRF photo contact sheet (1976-04-28)(Gerald Ford Library).jpg White House Photographic Office WHPO is housed at the Gerald R Ford Presidential Library a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration NARA <br/><br/> This file is a 200 dpi photo contact sheet having images from roll of film A9503 of the August 9 1974 - January 20 1977 Gerald R Ford White House Photographic Office Series A0001-A9999 and B0001-B2886 photographs <br/><br/> The date on the photo contact sheet is the date the roll of film was processed not necessarily the date the photographs were taken See table below for additional details 1976-04-28 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Image http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/A9503_NLGRF jpg A9503_NLGRF jpg from http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/19760428whpo pdf White House Photographs April 28 1976 of the http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/Library/whphotos/whpo asp White House Photographic Collection page White House Photographic Office WHPO - Unidentified PD-USGov Institution Institution Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Table wikitable sortable + Photo contact sheet A9503 U S President Ford Administration Gerald R Ford Library Frame s Tone Subject proper Subject generic Names Geographic Location Photographer Date - 2-8 Color Susan Ford as Queen of 1976 International Azalea Festival-NATO Flag Raising Ceremony Luncheon walking together outside Susan Ford Naval officers Media Norfolk VA SACLANT Headquarters Unidentified 1976-04-28 - 9-16 Color Susan Ford as Queen of 1976 International Azalea Festival-Hermitage Museum Tour Tea Reception touring bedroom; flash out of sync Susan Ford Unidentified women Norfolk VA Hermitage Museum Unidentified 1976-04-28 - 17 Color Susan Ford as Queen of 1976 International Azalea Festival standing handshaking at curb Susan Ford Man Woman Norfolk VA Hermitage Museum/DePau l Hospital Unidentified 1976-04-28 - 18-20 Color Susan Ford as Queen of 1976 International Azalea Festival-Norfolk Civic Ballet Gala Reception; black tie standing talking with young dancers in costume couple; formal wear Susan Ford Ballet Dancers Unidentified Couple Norfolk VA Chrysler Hall Unidentified 1976-04-28 - 21-34 Color Susan Ford as Queen of 1976 International Azalea Festival-Press Breakfast; Azalea Festival Chairman McCabe Susan and man seated at table before press; Susan smoking; various angles and distances Susan Ford Chrm Mike McCabe Media Norfolk VA Unidentified Unidentified 1976-04-30 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library and Museum-cooperation PD-USGov Contact sheets by the Ford White House April 1976 |