Keywords: Ford A2882 NLGRF photo contact sheet (1975-01-22)(Gerald Ford Library).jpg White House Photographic Office WHPO is housed at the Gerald R Ford Presidential Library a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration NARA <br/><br/> This file is a 200 dpi photo contact sheet having images from roll of film A2882 of the August 9 1974 - January 20 1977 Gerald R Ford White House Photographic Office Series A0001-A9999 and B0001-B2886 photographs <br/><br/> The date on the photo contact sheet is the date the roll of film was processed not necessarily the date the photographs were taken See table below for additional details 1975-01-22 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Image http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/A2882_NLGRF jpg A2882_NLGRF jpg from http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/19750122whpo pdf White House Photographs January 22 1975 of the http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/Library/whphotos/whpo asp White House Photographic Collection page White House Photographic Office WHPO - Kightlinger PD-USGov Institution Institution Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Table wikitable sortable + Photo contact sheet A2882 U S President Ford Administration Gerald R Ford Library Frame s Tone Subject proper Subject generic Names Geographic Location Photographer Date - 1-3 BW Kightlinger 1975-01-22 - 4 BW British Ambassador to the U S walking toward fireplace GRF Amb Peter Ramsbotham Kissinger Scowcroft Oval Office Kightlinger 1975-01-22 - 5-11 BW Meeting to Discuss Proposed Visit by Queen Elizabeth II During 1976 and Upcoming Visit of Prime Minister Harold Wilson - British Ambassador to the U S seated near fireplace talking - various angles; all not in every frame GRF Amb Peter Ramsbotham Kissinger Scowcroft Oval Office Kightlinger 1975-01-22 - 12-15 BW Prior to Signing Ceremony for the Instruments of Ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 and the Biological Weapons Convention GRF entering room walking toward platform handshaking; others standing applauding - all not in every frame GRF Sens Mansfield Humphrey McIntyre Taft Thurmond; Reps Zablocki Broomfield Buchanan Vander Jagt du Pont Guyer Gilman Runnels Spence O'Brien Holt; Fred Ikle James Malone Thomas Graham John Newhouse Cutter Others Crowd East Room Kightlinger 1975-01-22 - 16-21 BW Signing Ceremony for the Instruments of Ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 and the Biological Weapons Convention GRF speaking at podium; others standing behind various angles; all not in every frame GRF Sens Mansfield Humphrey McIntyre Taft Thurmond; Reps Zablocki Broomfield Buchanan Vander Jagt du Pont Guyer Gilman Runnels Spence O'Brien Holt East Room Kightlinger 1975-01-22 - 22-23 BW Signing Ceremony for the Instruments of Ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 and the Biological Weapons Convention GRF seated at table signing documents; others standing behind GRF Sens Mansfield Humphrey McIntyre Taft Thurmond; Reps Zablocki Broomfield Buchanan Vander Jagt du Pont Guyer Gilman Runnels Spence O'Brien Holt East Room Kightlinger 1975-01-22 - 24 BW Following Signing of the Instruments of Ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 and the Biological Weapons Convention standing handshaking GRF Sens Mansfield Humphrey McIntyre Taft Thurmond; Reps Zablocki Broomfield Buchanan Vander Jagt du Pont Guyer Gilman Runnels Spence O'Brien Holt East Room Kightlinger 1975-01-22 - 25 BW Following Signing Ceremony for the Instruments of Ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 and the Biological Weapons Convention greeting handshaking as GRF leaves room GRF Guests East Room Kightlinger 1975-01-22 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library and Museum-cooperation PD-USGov Contact sheets by the Ford White House January 1975 |