Keywords: drying laundry dryinglaundry folding laundry foldinglaundry pax mennonite central committee voluntary service europe paxmennonitecentralcommitteevoluntaryserviceeurope outdoor Caption: Lydia folds the Pax wash while the sun shines. Citation: PAX Collection, 1945-2006. Isabel Gingrich Glanzer 1959 Scrapbook. HM1-927 Box 3 Folder 4 photo 56. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. Caption: Lydia folds the Pax wash while the sun shines. Citation: PAX Collection, 1945-2006. Isabel Gingrich Glanzer 1959 Scrapbook. HM1-927 Box 3 Folder 4 photo 56. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. |