Keywords: FMIB 47702 Stages in the life-history of Haemocera danae, one of the Monstrillidae.jpeg check categories 21 August 2015 3 Stages in the life-history of Haemocera danae one of the Monstrillidae A Free-swimming nauplius larva; B embryo after penetrating into the body of the worm Salmacina; C D E successive stages in the body of the host; F free-swimming adult female; a' Antennule; br brain; e nauplius eye; f swimming feet; g s hairs on which the eggs are carried; m position of mouth; md hooked mandible of nauplius; n nerve cord; ov mass of eggs carried by female; ovy ovary; pr absorptive processes Subject Monstrillidae Haemocera Parasites Tag Invertebrates 1911 00 Cite book Life of Crustacea Calman W T New York the MacMillan Company 1911 Fig 74 Creator William Thomas Calman PD-UWASH-FMIB Institution University of Washington FMIB-source accession number 47702 Images from the Freshwater and Marine Image Bank to check William Thomas Calman Monstrillidae Parasites Nauplii |