Keywords: Village Cinemas
The link indicated by (red arrow) asked the customer "Do u have a voucher?"
When u hover over the explanation icon (indicated by question mark symbol)
A pop up box appeared and explained to the customers on information regarding the voucher.
To increase profits for the management of the cinema, it would be helpful to have a link on the pop up box that the customer could access to buy a bundle of movie tickets at a discounted price.
By allowing the customer to take advantage of the promotional offer for the tickets, the cinema is able to bring in more revenue (thus profits) as the customers buys a bundle of voucher, he or she would watch movies than he/she otherwise would when they buy on an ad hoc basis.
Please consider this observation for ur website upgrade.
Or designers could freely use this observation to design website for Village Cinemas competitors or cinema operators in other countries. retail technology transportation signs foodanddrinks retail melbourne australia |