Keywords: Five point stencil illustration.png Illustration of five-point stencil in one and two dimensions own Oleg Alexandrov talk Created with MATLAB Source code MATLAB <source lang matlab > Illustration of five-point stencil in one and two dimensions function main figure 1 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; make nice lightning camlight right; lighting phong; draw both stencils on the same picture with the second one shifted down shift 0 -13; for type 1 2 draw_stencil type shift type end save to disk High resolution is very important here that's why r400 print '-dpng' '-r400' 'Five_point_stencil_illustration png' '-opengl' ; function draw_stencil type shift the type argument above determines if the stencil is 1D or 2D N number of points in each surface The more the smoother the surfaces are N 100; h 5; grid size if type 1 1D Stencilx -2 h -h 0 h 2 h; Stencily 0 0 0 0 0; else 2D Stencilx -h 0 h 0 0; Stencily 0 0 0 -h h; end draw the points in the stencil as spheres X Y Z sphere N ; for i 1 length Stencilx draw the spheres H surf X+Stencilx i Y+Stencily i +shift Z 'FaceColor' 'blue' 'EdgeColor' 'none' 'AmbientStrength' 0 3 'SpecularStrength' 1 'DiffuseStrength' 0 8 ; make the center of the stencil red if Stencilx i 0 Stencily i 0 set H 'FaceColor' 'red' ; end end create a cylinder which connects the points in the stencil X Y Z cylinder 1 1 N ; L 4 h; rad 0 3; X rad X; Y rad Y; Z L Z-L/2; Tmp Z; Z X; X Tmp; draw the cylinders depending on type A very convoluted code for k 1 2 if type 1 k 2 break; end if type 2 if k 1 X X/2; else Tmp X; X Y; Y Tmp; end; end gray 0 5 1 1 1; H surf X Y+shift Z 'FaceColor' gray 'EdgeColor' 'none' 'AmbientStrength' 0 7 'SpecularStrength' 1 'DiffuseStrength' 0 8 ; end </source> Images with Matlab source code Stencils numerical analysis Files by User Oleg Alexandrov from en wikipedia math |