Keywords: Feynman ratchet.png Schematic figure of a Brownian ratchet Feynman-Smoluchowski ratchet a simple hypothetical mechanism used in a thought experiment by Marian Smoluchowski and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman to demonstrate the laws of thermodynamics The device is a tiny paddlewheel attached to a ratchet It appears to be an example of a Maxwell's Demon able to produce useful work from the random thermal motion of molecules at a constant temperature in violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics Feynman and others showed why it cannot actually produce work if T<sub>1</sub> T<sub>2</sub> Skema bildo de Brown-a kliko Esquema del trinquete de Feynman Figura schematica della ruota ratchet di Feynman Schemat zapadki N'apparecchiu dû fisicu Feynman Own Bdkoivis 135sw7y uipo eryasfs ayis naisl s akips An other image of the same Feynman's machine image diagram Brownian ratchets |