Keywords: Fázový diagram tlak-teplota pro oxid uhličitý.svg Fázový diagram CO<sub>2</sub> Oxid uhličitý v češtině Osa X zobrazuje teplotu ve stupních kelvina; na ose Y je tlak v barech carbon dioxide in czech X axis is temperature in kelvin; Y axis is pressure in bar Carbon_dioxide_pressure-temperature_phase_diagram svg 50 2012-02-19 23 42 UTC Carbon_dioxide_pressure-temperature_phase_diagram svg Ben Finney Mark Jacobs derivative work Honza chodec <span class signature-talk >talk</span> translation Honza chodec Carbon_dioxide_pressure-temperature_phase_diagram svg Cc-zero Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Carbon_dioxide_pressure-temperature_phase_diagram svg licensed with Cc-zero 2011-12-30T11 09 09Z Pieter Kuiper 742x700 26785 Bytes <nowiki>Reverted to version as of 22 48 16 January 2011 revert to version in English</nowiki> 2011-12-30T10 23 45Z Iyntx 797x741 26126 Bytes <nowiki>уб ал ненужную п оз ачность в фоне све хк итической жидкости </nowiki> 2011-12-30T10 22 56Z Iyntx 797x741 26126 Bytes <nowiki>уб ал ненужную п оз ачность в фоне све хк итической жидкости </nowiki> 2011-12-30T10 20 55Z Iyntx 797x741 25364 Bytes <nowiki>Пе есоздал файл с нуля вы овнял к ивые уб ал ничего не значащие отметки пог ешности </nowiki> 2011-01-16T22 48 29Z Anynobody 742x700 26785 Bytes <nowiki>various fixes</nowiki> 2010-11-30T03 31 07Z Bignose 711x677 30453 Bytes <nowiki>Align text better add labels for triple and critical point</nowiki> 2010-11-30T03 02 29Z Bignose 711x677 26628 Bytes <nowiki>Fix arrowhead directions liquid area curve</nowiki> 2010-11-30T02 38 18Z Bignose 711x677 27748 Bytes <nowiki>Use lines and arrowheads for ticks and axes</nowiki> 2010-11-30T02 34 59Z Bignose 711x677 27748 Bytes <nowiki>Use lines and arrows for axes and ticks</nowiki> 2008-07-03T08 57 47Z Anynobody 711x677 24405 Bytes <nowiki> </nowiki> 2008-07-03T08 52 54Z Anynobody 711x677 22599 Bytes <nowiki> </nowiki> 2008-07-03T08 51 29Z Anynobody 711x677 19645 Bytes <nowiki> </nowiki> 2008-07-03T08 49 05Z Anynobody 711x677 19111 Bytes <nowiki> en Vector version of Image Carbon dioxide pressure-temperature phase diagram jpg Commons Image Carbon dioxide pressure-temperature phase diagram jpg Marc Jacobs Dat</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Carbon dioxide phase diagrams |