MAKE A MEME View Large Image F. W. Bolgiano, seedsmen have won confidence for ten years (16347735146).jpg 935 13 Street N W Washixgtox J C <br> 27 <br> /Bolgiano's Scarlet Globe No 2 Radish <br> Excels all other stocks for rich color shapely form and <br> quick growth ...
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Keywords: F. W. Bolgiano, seedsmen have won confidence for ten years (16347735146).jpg 935 13 Street N W Washixgtox J C <br> 27 <br> /Bolgiano's Scarlet Globe No 2 Radish <br> Excels all other stocks for rich color shapely form and <br> quick growth It has a rich scarlet color faultless shape <br> and matures in twenty clays It looks beautiful on the <br> market stall and outsells all other sorts It needs no rec- <br> ommendation to those who have already used it and others <br> should try it in their frames or outdoor early in the spring <br> Packet 5c Ounce 10c i Pound 20c i Pound 30c <br> / 1 Pound 60c <br> Vscarlet Olive Sliaped Kadisli � This Radish olive <br> shaped has a distinct bright scarlet color The whole <br> crop maturing at one time makes it very desirable It il <br> among the best shippers Packets 5 and 10c i Pound 20c <br> \ Pound 30c 1 Pound GOc <br> Your Strasburg <br> Radish turned out <br> right size right <br> shape and pure <br> white If you want <br> reliable seed get <br> them from J Bol- <br> giano Son <br> A JNeetzke <br> Maryland <br> No 2 SCARLET GLOBE RADISH <br> lolgiano's Xew Extra Early Ruby Kiii <br> Radish � We believe Ruby King will soon establish <br> a reputation as the leading sort � the best in every <br> way It is handsome in form and color a beautiful <br> oval and rich scarlet The amount of its foliage is <br> small compared with other varieties and small for <br> the size of the radish The peculiar merit of this <br> variety as a forcing radish is that it will bear the heat <br> requisite for forcing without becoming pithy or <br> spongy The flesh is tender juicy and mild It is <br> equally as good for open garden culture as for forc- <br> ing and therefore it commences itself equally to the <br> amateur and market gardener This year our supply <br> is limited and we can only offer it in 25c papers <br> Freiicli Breakfast Radish � Quick growth <br> mild and tender good for forcing <br> Packets 5 and lOc i Pound 15c 1 Pound 50c <br> NEW GLASS RADISH <br> New Glass Radish � Quick growth small top bright color � <br> The best forcing Radish This brilliant uniform radish is not so <br> large as the Long Scarlet Radish but is similar in form and holds its <br> size without losing its nice proportions It is slow to run to seed <br> Market gardeners find it satisfies the market demand and sells bet- <br> ter than other long radishes Packet 5c Ounce 10c i Pound 15c <br> i Pound 25c Pound 40c Plant at once and see what a good radish <br> it isy For sale only in our own sealed packages <br> SCARLET TQRXIP WHIT E TIP RADISH <br> carlet Tvirnip White Tip Radish � Nature almost exhaust- <br> id itself in making this beautiful radish to ornament the private table <br> and embellish the market stall It has been brought to our market <br> in two weeks after planting and always is a very early crop for <br> frames and for open ground culture Some gardeners use it in 100- <br> pound lots It is annually grown more and more and in demand <br> everywhere Packet 5c Ounce 10c Pound 15c 4 Pound 25c <br> 1 Pound 40c <br> Culture of Radish � For early crop sow in hot beds in Feb- <br> ruary or March For main crop sow 'at intervals from early spring <br> until the last of September in deep rich soil Broadcast sowing ig <br> allowable but drilling is more professional; however radishes do <br> well by either method Thin when they crowd or the crop will be <br> imperfect They may be drawn after a few weeks' growth Radish <br> seed may be sown along the rows with parsnips beets and carrots <br> as they mature rapidly and will not interfere with the other crops 42158385 132780 65933 Page 27 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42158385 1899 10 5962/bhl title 65933 F W Bolgiano Co ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library F W Bolgiano seedsmen have won confidence for ten years Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Fruit Garden tools Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42158385 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42158385 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16347735146 2015-08-24 07 50 53 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 F W Bolgiano seedsmen have won confidence for ten years Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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