Keywords: Ernest Attems.jpg en Ernst Amadeus Gf v Attems-Heiligenkreuz 1694-1757 Domherr v Passau u Salzburg Fürstbischof von Laibach Sohn des Ignaz Maria Gf v Attems-Heiligenkreuz 1652-1732 und der Maria Regina 1659-1715 geb Freiin v Wurmbrand zu Stuppach Nobleman and Bishop of Ljubljana http //www novitednik com/nase_akcije php id 385 m 3 l 2006 author by 1757 PD-art-100 Paintings by unknown painters in Slovenia Ernest Amadej Tomaž Attems 18th-century oil on canvas paintings in Slovenia 18th-century portrait paintings of bishops Drapery in portrait paintings 18th-century portrait paintings of standing men at three-quarter length |