Keywords: Emanuel Nobel.jpg Portrait d'Emanuel Nobel par Valentin Alexandrovich Serov 1909 VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV 1865-1911 Portrait of Emmanuel Nobel 1859-1932 signed in Russian and dated 'Serov 909' lower right oil on canvas 47¾x36¼in 121 2x92cm http //www christies com/lotfinder/lot/valentin-alexandrovich-serov-portrait-of-emmanuel-nobel-3990158-details aspx from searchresults intObjectID 3990158 sid 91480a89-f8c9-4070-8bad-0aedd2cf0788 1909 Creator Walentin Alexandrowitsch Serow PD-old-100 original upload log page fr wikipedia Emanuel_Nobel jpg 2009-05-06 17 04 Casadosgambas 192�256� 36724 bytes <nowiki> Portrait d'Emanuel Nobel par Valentin Alexandrovich Serov 1909 Indiquez ici l'adresse web où a été trouvé l'image initialement 1909 Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov 1865-1911 L</nowiki> DEFAULTSORT Nobel Emanuel 1909 paintings from Russia Emmanuel Nobel 1909 Male portraits by Valentin Serov Nobel Private collections of Russian art |