Keywords: Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun - Self-Portrait - Google Art Project.jpg ~ 1781 1755 1755 1842 1842 Elisabeth Female 27837513 Louise Vigée Le Brun French 1755 - 1842 /collection/kimbell-art-museum/artwork/self-portrait-elisabeth-louise-vigee-le-brun/27757552/ Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun Painter /artist/louise-elisabeth-vig C3 A9e-lebrun/4127014/ 4127014 /collection/kimbell-art-museum/ Kimbell Art Museum 27808614 http //www kimbellart org/ /collection/kimbell-art-museum/artwork/self-portrait-elisabeth-louise-vigee-le-brun/27757552/ 1781 c 1781 Oil on canvas 64 8 27757552 False 1781 Without frame ACK 1949 02 https //www kimbellart org/Collections/Collections-Detail aspx prov false cons false cid 8609 Kimbell Art Museum Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth Texas In recognition of his service to the Kimbell Art Museum and his role in developing area collectors the Board of Trustees of the Kimbell Art Foundation has dedicated this work from the collection of Mr and Mrs Kay Kimbell founding benefactors of the Kimbell Art Museum to the memory of Mr Bertram Newhouse 1883 “1982 of New York City painting 1780 1790 w54 x h64 cm c 1781 False 0 82421875 Object self-portrait-elisabeth-louise-vigee-le-brun Self-Portrait s 54 Oil on canvas special url_id AgEO_lHRPFUrrw PD-old-100-1923 1842 Google Art Project works by Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun Self-portraits by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun |