Keywords: Element PhasesPerTemperature EN.svg Häufigkeitsverteilung der Aggregatszustände fest ‰”blau flüssig ‰”rot gasförmig ‰”grün der chemischen Elemente bis Uran in Abhängigkeit der Temperatur; Englische Skalenbeschriftung eigene Arbeit / own work Based on a list of melting and boiling points temps txt converted using a self-written C++ program period cc into a TSV file which is converted using GNU plotuitls into an XFig file and that one into SVG - All these files are released into the public domain and can be found at http //roker dingens org/wikipedia/periodtemp/ 2008-04-16 RokerHRO Image Element PhasesPerTemperature DE svg Chemical elements States of aggregation |