Keywords: Edward Hicks - The Peaceable Kingdom - Google Art Project (723124).jpg date ; c 1840s De Young Museum San Francisco 1780 Attleborough now Longhorne PA 1780 1849 Newtown PA 1849 Edward male 719506 Hicks American 1780 - 1849 /collection/de-young-museum/artwork/the-peaceable-kingdom-edward-hicks/723124/ Edward Hicks Painter /artist/edward-hicks/4130224/ 4130224 /collection/de-young-museum/ de Young Museum 677086 http //www deyoungmuseum org/ 1/28/2012 1 14 12 AM /collection/de-young-museum/artwork/the-peaceable-kingdom-edward-hicks/723124/ 1868 635 723124 False 1868 1868 /collection/de-young-museum/level/second-floor/725073/ Second Floor 3/24/2012 10 09 34 AM 1993 35 14 Painting 1860 1870 United States w723 x h635 in 1868 False 1 14798206278027 Object /collection/de-young-museum/level/second-floor/725073/gallery-23/721251/ Gallery 23 the-peaceable-kingdom-edward-hicks The Peaceable Kingdom p 723 9 Gift of Mr and Mrs John D Rockefeller 3rd special url_id tAHzgNBfxNbfkw PD-old-100-1923 1849 The Peaceable Kingdom by Edward Hicks 1846 American paintings in the De Young Museum Hicks 1846 oil on canvas paintings in the United States Hicks Animals in art Google Art Project works by Edward Hicks |