Keywords: EasternSolomons5inchGallery.jpg en The 5 /38 Mark 12 dual-purpose gun number 5 of III battery on the aft-starboard side of the USS Enterprise CV-6 This battery was heavily damaged by 2nd bomb-hit in the battle of Eastern Solomons 38 crewmembers died including Photographer's Mate Robert F Read 10 of them were never identified cs Zničené 127 mm 5 /38 cal Mk 12 víceúčelové dělo č 5 ze III baterie umístěné vzadu na pravoboku USS Enterprise CV-6 Tato baterie byla těžce poškozena druhou pumou která loď zásahla během bitvy u východních Šalamounů 38 mužů posádky zahynulo včetně válečného fotografa Roberta F Reada Deset těl nebylo nikdy identifikováno US Government http //www cv6 org/noumea/default asp uri detail/barr-img-291 ref August+1942 Although from a commercial site that lists the source of this photo as William T Barr William Barr was a US Navy photographer source http //lcweb2 loc gov/cocoon/vhp-stories/loc natlib afc2001001 10509/transcript ID sr0001 performing official duties for the US government which makes this and any other photo he took during this time original works of the US Government Original works of the US Government are public domain documents 2006-05-27 US Government US Government/public domain PD-USGov Battle of the Eastern Solomons Damaged guns Aboard USS Enterprise CV-6 5 /38 caliber gun Warship battle damage |