Keywords: E12 values graph.svg en Graph showing values of the E12 series which is used to standardize values of resistors and capacitors The values shown cover two decades of the series from 1 to 82 and illustrate the exponential nature of the series Own work by uploader designed to replace original bitmap image Image E12_values_graph png Qef 2008-07-03 Bitmap version showing the same data but with superfluous labels making it not language neutral Image E12_values_graph png Qef Source code This graph was generated by the Perl program below which was specially written for the purpose If changes need to be made it's probably best to tweak the program and re-run it to get a new version rather than editing the SVG directly <pre> use warnings; use strict; The E12 series twice over the first time divided by 10 my VALUES qw 1 0 1 2 1 5 1 8 2 2 2 7 3 3 3 9 4 7 5 6 6 8 8 2 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 ; Parameters to set appearance my AXIS_HT 400; my VERT_SCALE 4 5; my BAR_WIDTH 20; my BAR_GAP 3; my MARGIN 10; my img_wd BAR_WIDTH + BAR_GAP VALUES + BAR_GAP + 2 MARGIN; my img_ht AXIS_HT + 2 MARGIN; my margin_right img_wd - MARGIN; my margin_bottom img_ht - MARGIN; my x MARGIN; my graph_path ; my text_cmds ; for VALUES x + BAR_GAP; my bar_ht _ VERT_SCALE; graph_path M x margin_bottom v- bar_ht h BAR_WIDTH v bar_ht Z\n ; x + BAR_WIDTH; my bar_top img_ht - bar_ht - MARGIN + -5; my txt_x x - 0 5 BAR_WIDTH + 4 5; text_cmds <text transform 'translate txt_x bar_top rotate 270 ' x '0' y '0' fill ' 000' text-anchor 'start'> _</text>\n ; print << END ; < xml version 1 0 encoding UTF-8 > <svg version 1 0 width img_wd height img_ht xmlns http //www w3 org/2000/svg > <defs> <linearGradient id grad x2 0 y1 0 y2 100 > <stop offset 5 stop-color F00 /> <stop offset 95 stop-color F90 /> </linearGradient> </defs> <path stroke 000 stroke-width 1 fill none d M MARGIN MARGIN V margin_bottom H margin_right /> <path stroke 000 stroke-width 0 6 fill url grad d graph_path /> <path stroke 333 stroke-width 0 6 fill url grad d graph_path > </g> </svg> END </pre> E12 values |