MAKE A MEME View Large Image Dyson rings.PNG Dyson rings forming a stable Dyson swarm but making it look as similar to a Dyson sphere and Niven ring as possible Individual objects are unrealistically large to show their shape Each ring can be replaced by multiple rings ...
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Keywords: Dyson rings.PNG Dyson rings forming a stable Dyson swarm but making it look as similar to a Dyson sphere and Niven ring as possible Individual objects are unrealistically large to show their shape Each ring can be replaced by multiple rings in http //www burtleburtle net/bob/scifi/swarmb html this way http //www burtleburtle net/bob/scifi/dyson html see also For a stable orbit a ring can be of individual objects or like this to save on thrusters thumb Google images -> brain -> Povray 3 6 using included polyhedron file 2007-07-30 Arnero And I do not want to see any discussion about how many light a swarm can catch at least this image suggests all <pre> // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3 5 sample file // By Chris Young // This image contains an example of every shape from SHAPES2 INC // // -w320 -h240 // -w800 -h600 +a0 3 version 3 1; global_settings assumed_gamma 2 2 include colors inc include shapes inc include shapes2 inc // include stars inc // place all settings of globally influenced features here global_settings // GLOBAL ITEM S // used in global_settings sets image gamma in relation to display gamma assumed_gamma 2 0 / declare Starfield2 texture pigment granite color_map 0 000 0 270 color rgb < 0 0 0> color rgb < 0 0 0> 0 270 0 285 color rgb < 5 5 4> color rgb < 8 8 4> 0 285 0 470 color rgb < 0 0 0> color rgb < 0 0 0> 0 470 0 485 color rgb < 4 4 5> color rgb < 4 4 8> 0 485 0 680 color rgb < 0 0 0> color rgb < 0 0 0> 0 680 0 695 color rgb < 5 4 4> color rgb < 8 4 4> 0 695 0 880 color rgb < 0 0 0> color rgb < 0 0 0> 0 880 0 895 color rgb < 5 5 5> color rgb < 1 1 1> 0 895 1 000 color rgb < 0 0 0> color rgb < 0 0 0> turbulence 0 8 sine_wave scale 10 // 5 finish diffuse 0 ambient 1 4 plane z 10 texture Starfield2 // put the right arrray name here / declare R1 seed 0 ; // initialize random number streams declare R2 seed 12345 ; // Create 10 balls along X axis from 0 to 9 declare BallCount 0; while BallCount < 1000 // the rand function creates a reproducible sequence // of pseudo-random numbers between 0 0 and 1 0 // place sphere with random radius at random position // use different random number streams for position and radius sphere < rand R1 -0 5 12 rand R1 -0 5 14 13> rand R2 /40 // 0 0> declare re00 < rand R1 rand R1 rand R1 >; pigment // rgb - Red Green Blue color shortcut color rgb re00/max re00 x re00 y re00 z finish diffuse 0 ambient 1 4 declare BallCount BallCount+1; // increment our counter end camera location <0 0 -30>/8 direction <0 0 1 5> look_at <0 0 0> up <1 0 0> right < 0 4/3 0 > light_source <800 200 -1000> color Red 0 6 light_source <-800 200 -1000> color Green 0 6 light_source <0 -200 -1000> color Blue 0 6 light_source <0 0 -0> color White 1 4 // put this inside a light_source to give it a visible appearance looks_like sphere 0 0 1 pigment White 10 declare Icosahedron intersection plane -z 1 rotate <52 6625 0 0> plane -z 1 rotate <52 6625 -72 0> plane -z 1 rotate <52 6625 -144 0> plane -z 1 rotate <52 6625 -216 0> plane -z 1 rotate <52 6625 -288 0> plane -z 1 rotate <10 8125 0 0> plane -z 1 rotate <10 8125 -72 0> plane -z 1 rotate <10 8125 -144 0> plane -z 1 rotate <10 8125 -216 0> plane -z 1 rotate <10 8125 -288 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-52 6625 -36 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-52 6625 -108 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-52 6625 -180 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-52 6625 -252 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-52 6625 -324 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-10 8125 -36 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-10 8125 -108 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-10 8125 -180 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-10 8125 -252 0> plane -z 1 rotate <-10 8125 -324 0> bounded_by sphere 0 1 2585 / object Icosahedron pigment Magenta translate <2 1 3 2> / // note that declare of float vector and color require semicolon at the end declare Dyson_Ring // CSG difference subtract intersections of shapes 2 N from Shape1 difference // create a sphere shape sphere <0 0 0> // center of sphere <X Y Z> 1 0 // radius of sphere // scale <1 2 1> // < Note Spheres can become ellipses by uneven scaling // Capped Cylinder closed or open ended // cylinder <END1> <END2> RADIUS open // END1 coord of one end of cylinder // END2 coord of other end // RADIUS size of cylinder // open if present cylinder is hollow else capped cylinder -1 1 z +1 1 z 0 988 // open // note that declare of float vector and color require semicolon at the end declare k 0; while k < 180 box <-0 005 -1 1 -1 1> <0 005 1 1 1 1> // rotate shape or texture around <0 0 0> relative to current orientation // example rotate 30 x rotate <0 0 k> // <dX dY dZ> in degrees declare k k+10; // increment our counter end bounded_by sphere 0 1 01 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <52 6625 0 0> scale 1 00 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <52 6625 -72 0> scale 1 01 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <52 6625 -144 0> scale 1 02 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <52 6625 -216 0> scale 1 03 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <52 6625 -288 0> scale 1 04 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <10 8125 0 0> scale 1 05 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <10 8125 -72 0> scale 1 06 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <10 8125 -144 0> scale 1 07 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <10 8125 -216 0> scale 1 08 object Dyson_Ring pigment White rotate <10 8125 -288 0> scale 1 09 </pre> Freeman Dyson Space colonization Created with Persistence of Vision
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