MAKE A MEME View Large Image Discontinuity essential.eps.png Discontinuity essential original text Made by me with matlab Created with MATLAB Transfered from English Wikipedia; en Image Discontinuity essential eps png 2005-09-12 en User Oleg Alexandrov Oleg Alexandrov ...
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Keywords: Discontinuity essential.eps.png Discontinuity essential original text Made by me with matlab Created with MATLAB Transfered from English Wikipedia; en Image Discontinuity essential eps png 2005-09-12 en User Oleg Alexandrov Oleg Alexandrov Discontinuity essential svg Source code <pre> function discontinuity set up the plotting window thick_line 2 5; thin_line 2; arrow_size 14; arrow_type 2; fs 30; circrad 0 06; picture 1 a -1 5; b 3; h 0 02; x0 1; X1 a h x0; X2 x0 h b; X X1 X2; Y1 X1 2; Y2 Y1 length Y1 + -1 X2-X2 1 ; Y Y1 Y2; y01 Y1 length Y1 ; y02 Y2 1 ; figure 1 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; axes_points a b thin_line thick_line arrow_size arrow_type x0 y01 y02 circrad fs X Y X1 Y1 X2 Y2 saveas gcf 'discontinuity_removable eps' 'psc2' picture 2 a -1 5; b 3; h 0 02; x0 1; X1 a h x0; X2 x0 h b; X X1 X2; Y1 X1 2; Y2 2- X2-x0 2; Y Y1 Y2; y01 Y1 length Y1 ; y02 Y2 1 ; figure 2 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; axes_points a b thin_line thick_line arrow_size arrow_type x0 y01 y02 circrad fs X Y X1 Y1 X2 Y2 saveas gcf 'discontinuity_jump eps' 'psc2' picture 3 a -1 5; b 3; h 0 001; x0 1; X1 a h x0; X2 x0 h b; X X1 X2; Y1 sin 5 / X1-x0-eps ; Y2 0 1 / X2-x0+50 h ; Y Y1 Y2; y01 Y1 length Y1 ; y02 Y2 1 ; figure 3 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; axes_points2 a b thin_line thick_line arrow_size arrow_type x0 NaN NaN circrad fs X Y X1 Y1 X2 Y2 saveas gcf 'discontinuity_essential eps' 'psc2' disp 'Converting to png ' convert -density 400 -antialias discontinuity_removable eps discontinuity_removable png convert -density 400 -antialias discontinuity_jump eps discontinuity_jump png convert -density 400 -antialias discontinuity_essential eps discontinuity_essential png function axes_points a b thin_line thick_line arrow_size arrow_type x0 y01 y02 circrad fs X Y X1 Y1 X2 Y2 arrow a 0 b 0 thin_line arrow_size pi/8 arrow_type 0 0 0 xaxis small 0 2; arrow 0 min Y 0 max Y thin_line arrow_size pi/8 arrow_type 0 0 0 ; y axis plot X1 Y1 'linewidth' thick_line ; plot X2 Y2 'linewidth' thick_line ball x0 0 circrad 0 0 1 ; ball_empty x0 y01 thick_line circrad 1 0 0 ; ball_empty x0 y02 thick_line circrad 1 0 0 ; H text x0 -0 006 fs 'x_0' ; set H 'fontsize' fs 'HorizontalAlignment' 'c' 'VerticalAlignment' 'c' function axes_points2 a b thin_line thick_line arrow_size arrow_type x0 y01 y02 circrad fs X Y X1 Y1 X2 Y2 arrow a 0 b 0 thin_line arrow_size pi/8 arrow_type 0 0 0 xaxis small 0 2; arrow 0 min Y 0 max Y thin_line arrow_size pi/8 arrow_type 0 0 0 ; y axis plot X1 Y1 'linewidth' thick_line ; plot X2 Y2 'linewidth' thick_line ball x0 0 circrad 0 0 1 ; ball_empty x0 y01 thick_line circrad 1 0 0 ; ball_empty x0 y02 thick_line circrad 1 0 0 ; H text x0+0 2 -0 006 fs 'x_0' ; set H 'fontsize' fs 'HorizontalAlignment' 'c' 'VerticalAlignment' 'c' function ball x y r color Theta 0 0 1 2 pi; X r cos Theta +x; Y r sin Theta +y; H fill X Y color ; set H 'EdgeColor' 'none' ; function ball_empty x y thick_line r color Theta 0 0 1 2 pi; X r cos Theta +x; Y r sin Theta +y; H fill X Y 1 1 1 ; set H 'EdgeColor' color ; plot X Y 'color' color 'linewidth' thick_line ; function arrow start stop thickness arrowsize sharpness arrow_type color draw a line with an arrow at the end start is the x y point where the line starts stop is the x y point where the line stops thickness is an optional parameter giving the thickness of the lines arrowsize is an optional argument that will give the size of the arrow It is assumed that the axis limits are already set 0 < sharpness < pi/4 determines how sharp to make the arrow arrow_type draws the arrow in different styles Values are 0 1 2 3 8/4/93 Jeffery Faneuff Copyright c 1988-93 by the MathWorks Inc Modified by Oleg Alexandrov 2/16/03 if nargin < 6 color 0 0 0; end if nargin < 5 arrow_type 0; the default arrow it looks like this -> end if nargin < 4 sharpness pi/4; the arrow sharpness - default pi/4 end if nargin< 3 xl get gca 'xlim' ; yl get gca 'ylim' ; xd xl 2 -xl 1 ; yd yl 2 -yl 1 ; arrowsize xd + yd / 2; this sets the default arrow size end if nargin< 2 thickness 0 5; default thickness end xdif stop 1 - start 1 ; ydif stop 2 - start 2 ; if xdif 0 if ydif >0 theta pi/2; else theta -pi/2; end else theta atan ydif/xdif ; the angle has to point according to the slope end if xdif> 0 arrowsize -arrowsize; end if arrow_type 0 draw the arrow like two sticks originating from its vertex xx start 1 stop 1 stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta+sharpness NaN stop 1 stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta-sharpness ; yy start 2 stop 2 stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta+sharpness NaN stop 2 stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta-sharpness ; plot xx yy 'LineWidth' thickness 'color' color end if arrow_type 1 draw the arrow like an empty triangle xx stop 1 stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta+sharpness stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta-sharpness ; xx xx xx 1 xx 2 ; yy stop 2 stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta+sharpness stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta-sharpness ; yy yy yy 1 yy 2 ; plot xx yy 'LineWidth' thickness 'color' color plot the arrow stick plot start 1 stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta cos sharpness start 2 stop 2 + 0 02 arrowsize sin theta cos sharpness 'LineWidth' thickness 'color' color end if arrow_type 2 draw the arrow like a full triangle xx stop 1 stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta+sharpness stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta-sharpness stop 1 ; yy stop 2 stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta+sharpness stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta-sharpness stop 2 ; H fill xx yy color ; fill with black set H 'EdgeColor' 'none' plot the arrow stick plot start 1 stop 1 +0 01 arrowsize cos theta start 2 stop 2 + 0 01 arrowsize sin theta 'LineWidth' thickness 'color' color end if arrow_type 3 draw the arrow like a filled 'curvilinear' triangle curvature 0 5; change here to make the curved part more curved or less curved radius 0 02 arrowsize max curvature tan sharpness ; x1 stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta+sharpness ; y1 stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta+sharpness ; x2 stop 1 +0 02 arrowsize cos theta cos sharpness ; y2 stop 2 +0 02 arrowsize sin theta cos sharpness ; d1 sqrt x1-x2 2+ y1-y2 2 ; d2 sqrt radius 2-d1 2 ; d3 sqrt stop 1 -x2 2+ stop 2 -y2 2 ; center 1 stop 1 + d2+d3 cos theta ; center 2 stop 2 + d2+d3 sin theta ; alpha atan d1/d2 ; Alpha -alpha 0 05 alpha; xx center 1 -radius cos Alpha+theta ; yy center 2 -radius sin Alpha+theta ; xx xx stop 1 xx 1 ; yy yy stop 2 yy 1 ; H fill xx yy color ; fill with black set H 'EdgeColor' 'none' plot the arrow stick plot start 1 center 1 -radius cos theta start 2 center 2 - radius sin theta 'LineWidth' thickness 'color' color ; end </pre> page is/was here All following user names refer to en Wikipedia 1 date/time username resolution size edit summary ---- 01 31 12 September 2005 Oleg Alexandrov 376 × 255 13 023 bytes <nowiki> source code </nowiki> ---- 01 25 12 September 2005 Oleg Alexandrov 376 × 255 13 023 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 00 53 12 September 2005 Oleg Alexandrov 376 × 253 11 802 bytes <nowiki> Made by me with matlab </nowiki> Files by User Oleg Alexandrov from en wikipedia Continuity functions Images with Matlab source code Limit of a function
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