Keywords: Dioskouroi Herakles BM E224.jpg Meidias Painter eponym vase according to signature Peintre de Meidias vase éponyme d'après signature Rape of the Leucippids by the Dioscuri top ; Herakles in the Garden of Hesperids accompagnied by a group of Athenian tribal heroes bottom Attic red-figured hydria ca 420 “400 BC Viol des Leucippides par les Dioscures haut ; Héraclès au jardin des Hespérides accompagné par un groupe de héros athéniens bas Hydrie attique à figures rouges vers 420-400 av J -C Rapto de las LeucÃpidas arriba ; Heracles en el jardÃn de las Hespérides acompañado por un grupo de héroes atenienses abajo Hidria ática de figuras rojas circa 420-400 a C circa 420 “400 BC 52 1cm <ref>http //www beazley ox ac uk/pottery/painters/keypieces/redfigure/meidias htm</ref> Museum British Museum Main floor room 20 Greek Rome object history credit line Hamilton collection accession number GR 1772 3-20 30 Cat Vases E 224 Bibi Saint-Pol 2006 22 November other versions References <references/> Apples of the Hesperides Dioscurides in ancient Greek pottery Heracles in ancient Greek pottery Phoebe and Hilaeira in ancient Greek pottery Ancient Greek pottery hydriai Meidias Painter Ancient Greek pottery in the British Museum 420s BC pottery in the United Kingdom 410s BC pottery in the United Kingdom 400s BC pottery in the United Kingdom Room 20 British Museum |