Keywords: DFA example multiplies of 3.svg Example of a DFA that accepts binary numbers that are multiplies of 3 Příklad deterministického konečného automatu který přijímá binární čísla která jsou beze zbytku dělitelná třemi own 2007-03-20 Self-made Original PNG Transition monoid wikitable - 808080 <br>012 808080 0 <br>021 808080 1 <br>102 808080 10 <br>120 808080 01 <br>201 808080 010 <br>210 - 808080 <br>012 808080 <br>012 808080 0 <br>021 808080 1 <br>102 808080 10 <br>120 808080 01 <br>201 808080 010 <br>210 - 808080 0 <br>021 808080 0 <br>021 808080 <br>012 808080 01 <br>201 808080 010 <br>210 808080 1 <br>102 808080 10 <br>120 - 808080 1 <br>102 808080 1 <br>102 808080 10 <br>120 808080 <br>012 808080 0 <br>021 808080 010 <br>210 808080 01 <br>201 - 808080 10 <br>120 808080 10 <br>120 808080 1 <br>102 808080 010 <br>210 808080 01 <br>201 808080 <br>012 808080 0 <br>021 - 808080 01 <br>201 808080 01 <br>201 808080 010 <br>210 808080 0 <br>021 808080 <br>012 808080 10 <br>120 808080 1 <br>102 - 808080 010 <br>210 808080 010 <br>210 808080 01 <br>201 808080 10 <br>120 808080 1 <br>102 808080 0 <br>021 808080 <br>012 Numeric entries denote functions mapping a state to a state; e g 102 abbreviates the function mapping state 0 1 and 2 to state 1 0 and 2 respectively; this is the function for digesting an input 808080 1 The table shows the result of function composition e g 021 102 201 and 102 021 120 808080 Grey entries give a shortest input string corresponding to a function cob Equivalent alternate representations - colspan 5 Regular grammar - colspan 5 Start symbol S<sub>0</sub> - S<sub>0</sub> ε 0 S<sub>0</sub> 1 S<sub>1</sub> - S<sub>1</sub> 0 S<sub>2</sub> 1 S<sub>0</sub> - S<sub>2</sub> 0 S<sub>1</sub> 1 S<sub>2</sub> Regular expression <source lang pcre enclose none > 0 1 01 00 0 1 </source> cob Deterministic finite state automata |