Keywords: Demosthenes Altemps Inv8581.jpg Portrait of Demosthenes Marble Roman copy after a bronze Greek from the 3rd century BCE; some modern additions cloak and breastplate usually used for portraits of emperors Portrait de Démosthène Marbre copie romaine d'un original grec en bronze de Polyeuktos un élève de Lysippe IIIe siècle av J -C ; le manteau et la cuirasse ordinairement réservés aux portraits impériaux sont des additions modernes Ritratto di Demostene Marmo copia romana del II sec d C da un bronzo greco originale di Polyeuktos scuola di Lisippo III sec a C ; corazza e mantello sono moderni Museum Palazzo Altemps Ground floor object history credit line Cesi Collection ; Ludovisi Collection accession number Inv 8581 Jastrow 2006 other versions Ludovisi Collection Roman copies after Greek originals in the Palazzo Altemps Rome Demosthenes |