Keywords: David H. Armstrong - Brady-Handy.jpg Armstrong Hon D H of MO Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Brady-Handy Photograph Collection http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/cwpbh 05144 CALL NUMBER LC-BH832- 30758 <P P>P P between 1865 1880 Creator Mathew Brady Creator Levin Corot Handy PD LOC-image cwpbh 05144 October 21 1812 - March 18 1893 was a United States Senator from Missouri Born in Nova Scotia he attended Maine Wesleyan Seminary and taught school in New Bedford from 1833 to 1837 He moved to St Louis in 1837 and then to Lebanon where he taught at McKendree College He returned to Missouri and was principal of the public school at Benton from 1838 to 1847 comptroller of St Louis from 1847 to 1850 postmaster of St Louis from 1854 to 1858 and a member of the board of police commissioners from 1873 to 1876 This summary was created using Commons SumItUp en David_H _Armstrong PD-Brady-Handy Photographs by Mathew Brady and Levin Handy Armstrong David H Senators of the United States from Missouri Armstrong David H |