Keywords: Dancing dervishes.JPG Copied by Mir �Imad; Dancing Dervishes Double-page composition from an illustrated manuscript of the Gulistan Rose Garden of Sa �di Iran ca 1615; Opaque watercolor ink and gold on paper 26 9 x 16 4 cm Lent by the Art and History Collection; Courtesy of the Arthur M Sackler Gallery Smithsonian Institution Washington DC LTS1995 2 174 1- 2 Photo Courtesy of the Sackler Gallery Smithsonian Inst http //www theismaili org/imagedetail/3602 and http //www theismaili org/cms/1047/Muslim-art-and-cultural-expression-opens-doors-to-interfaith-dialogue-in-Houston 1615 Sa'di PD-old-100 Persian miniatures Gulistan of Sa'di Collections of the Arthur M Sackler Gallery Whirling dervishes in art |