Keywords: Compounddefects.png Schematic illustration of defects in a compound solid using GaAs as an example The defect notation is such that the upper-case letters stand for atoms or vacancies V on a lattice site and the subscripts for the lattice site in a perfect crystal The subscript i stands for an interstitial site and the subscript S for a substitutional site Thus e g As<sub>i</sub> stands for a As atom on an interstitial site V<sub>Ga</sub> for a missing atom on the Ga sublattice Ga<sub>As</sub> for a Ga antisite atom on the As sublattice and B<sub>S</sub> for a B atom on a substitutional site This notation is a variety of en Kroger-Vink Notation for non-ionic solids Note that this 2D illustration does of course not correspond to the real en zincblende 3D crystal structure of GaAs Kai Nordlund made originally with Framemaker in 2000 for lecture notes in a course on Solid State Physics in Swedish translated to English in 2007 with gimp en wikipedia 2007-03-03 Knordlun wikipedia en Knordlun original upload log page en wikipedia Compounddefects png 2007-03-03 15 42 Knordlun 1124×792× 22774 bytes <nowiki>Schematic illustration of defects in a compound solid using GaAs as an example The defect notation is such that the upper-case letters stand for atoms or vacancies V on a lattice site and the subscripts for the lattice site in a perfect crystal The </nowiki> Point defects in crystals Gallium arsenide |