Keywords: Compass-icon bb NE.svg en Compass rose with an arrow pointing to the north-east 2014-01-08 own El Grafo cc-zero Source code <syntaxhighlight lang xml > < xml version 1 0 encoding utf-8 > < DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD SVG 1 1//EN http //www w3 org/Graphics/SVG/1 1/DTD/svg11 dtd > <svg version 1 1 xmlns http //www w3 org/2000/svg xmlns xlink http //www w3 org/1999/xlink width 1600 height 1900 > <path id N d M 720 285 l 0 -245 1 0 178 230 1 0 0 -245 style stroke 80b3cd;stroke-width 30;fill none /> <g id windrose > <path id tips d M 800 300 1000 900 1600 1100 1000 1300 800 1900 600 1300 0 1100 600 900 800 300 style stroke none;stroke-width 0;fill 80b3cd /> <ellipse id circle cx 800 cy 1100 rx 600 ry 600 style stroke none;stroke-width 0;fill 80b3cd /> </g> <g id arrow transform rotate 45 800 1100 > <path d M 800 1100 300 1600 800 400 1300 1600 800 1100 style stroke none;fill black /> <path d M 800 1060 375 1490 800 470 800 1060 style stroke none;fill white /> </g> </svg> </syntaxhighlight> Uploaded with UploadWizard Compass roses Files by User El Grafo |