Keywords: Circle graph and circle model.svg Circle graph and the corresponding circle model consisting of six chords <br/> Source code This image was created using LaTeX in conjunction with the PGF/TikZ package <source lang latex > \documentclass article \def\pgfsysdriver pgfsys-tex4ht def \usepackage tikz \begin document \thispagestyle empty \begin center \huge \begin tikzpicture ultra thick scale 4 \foreach \color/\pos/\name in red/ 0 -1 5 /a blue/ 0 9 -2 25 /b orange/ 0 -2 25 /c violet/ -0 9 -2 25 /d green/ 0 -3 /e \node\color draw circle fill white minimum size 22pt inner sep 0pt \name at \pos \name ; \foreach \src/\tgt in a/b a/c a/d b/c c/d b/e d/e \draw \src -- \tgt ; \clipdraw 0 0 circle 1cm ; \drawred -1 0 -- 1 0 8 nodepos 0 5 above -0 75mm a ; \drawblue -1 1 -- 1 -0 5 nodepos 0 7 above -1mm b ; \draworange 0 75 1 -- -1 -1 nodepos 0 55 right -1mm c ; \drawviolet -1 0 75 -- 0 -1 nodemidway left -0 8mm d ; \drawgreen -0 5 -1 -- 1 0 nodemidway above -0 9mm e ; \end tikzpicture \end center \end document </source> The above LaTeX code was transformed into a html document by the program htlatex which creates an svg image for each graphic in the document The resulting svg image was then cleaned up before posting to wikipedia own original text self-made 1 2008-04-20 Lyonsam Lyonsam Original upload log en wikipedia Circle+graph svg wikitable - 2008-04-20 19 48 287×585× 4985 bytes Lyonsam <nowiki> A Circle graph and the corresponding circle model consisting of six chords self-made April 20 2008 Lyonsam </nowiki> Circles Graphs with 5 vertices Images with LaTeX source code |