Keywords: Chinese policemen to be killed, Nanking massacre.jpg Safety Zone However the explanation by Tomio Hora as follows They might be police officers judging from their clothes About 450 police officers who had been dispatched to the international committee for Safety Zone from the municipal authorities It is said that most of them were killed at the outside of the Great West Gate 洞富雄によると 敗残兵 とあるが 装から見て警察官かも知れない 安全区国際委員会には市当 から 450人の警察官が移遣されていたが 大半は西大 外で殺されたという 洞富雄 南京大虐殺 まぼろし 化工 批判 現代史出版会 1975年 i頁 Original photograph Correspondent Kawamura 河 特派員 alternative explanation Tomio Hora 洞富雄 1937-12-17 PD-Japan-oldphoto Tomio Hora Asahi Graph Nanking Safety Zone Killing in Nanjing Massacre |