MAKE A MEME View Large Image Cherokee Syllabary.svg Vectorized version of the public domain image Cherokee Syllabary png Created in Adobe Illustrator using the Plantagenet Cherokee font en wikipedia Transfer was stated to be made by User Mike lifeguard 2007-11-09 ...
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Keywords: Cherokee Syllabary.svg Vectorized version of the public domain image Cherokee Syllabary png Created in Adobe Illustrator using the Plantagenet Cherokee font en wikipedia Transfer was stated to be made by User Mike lifeguard 2007-11-09 Sakurambo wikipedia en Unicode wikitable - a e i o u v - Ꭰ a Ꭱ e Ꭲ i Ꭳ o Ꭴ u Ꭵ v - Ꭶ ga Ꭷ ka Ꭸ ge Ꭹ gi Ꭺ go Ꭻ gu Ꭼ gv - Ꭽ ha Ꭾ he Ꭿ hi Ꮀ ho Ꮁ hu Ꮂ hv - Ꮃ la Ꮄ le Ꮅ li Ꮆ lo Ꮇ lu Ꮈ lv - Ꮉ ma Ꮊ me Ꮋ mi Ꮌ mo Ꮍ mu - Ꮎ na nah Ꮏ hna Ꮑ ne Ꮒ ni Ꮓ no Ꮔ nu Ꮕ nv - Ꮖ qua Ꮗ que Ꮘ qui Ꮙ quo Ꮚ quu Ꮛ quv - Ꮝ s Ꮜ sa Ꮞ se Ꮟ si Ꮠ so Ꮡ su Ꮢ sv - Ꮣ da Ꮤ ta Ꮥ de Ꮦ te Ꮧ di Ꮨ ti Ꮩ do Ꮪ du Ꮫ dv - dla tla Ꮮ tle Ꮯ tli Ꮰ tlo Ꮱ tlu Ꮲ tlv - Ꮳ tsa Ꮴ tse Ꮵ tsi Ꮶ tso Ꮷ tsu Ꮸ tsv - Ꮹ wa Ꮺ we Ꮻ wi Ꮼ wo Ꮽ wu Ꮾ wv - Ꮿ ya Ᏸ ye Ᏹ yi Ᏺ yo Ᏻ yu Ᏼ yv Sakurambo original upload log page en wikipedia Cherokee_Syllabary svg 2007-11-09 00 44 Sakurambo 1386×730×0 283099 bytes Vectorized version of the public domain image Cherokee Syllabary png Created in Adobe Illustrator using the Plantagenet Cherokee font Cherokee script Syllabary charts
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