Keywords: Chardin, Jean-Siméon - The Good Education - Google Art Project.jpg ~ 1753 Oil on canvas 1699 1699 1779 1779 Chardin 450066 Jean-Siméon French 1699 - 1779 /collection/the-museum-of-fine-arts-houston/artwork/the-good-education-chardin-jean-simeon/448066/ 8991 Chardin Jean-Siméon /artist/jean-baptiste-sim C3 A9on-chardin/4129089/ 4129089 /collection/the-museum-of-fine-arts-houston/ The Museum of Fine Arts Houston 363168 http //www mfah org/ 12/6/2011 3 45 24 PM /collection/the-museum-of-fine-arts-houston/artwork/the-good-education-chardin-jean-simeon/448066/ 1753 c 1753 Oil on canvas 430 276 448066 False 1755 unframed 3/24/2012 2 29 24 AM 85 18 https //ecommerce mfah org/policies aspx MFAH Gift in memory of George R Brown by his wife and children Painting 1750 1760 w473 x h430 mm c 1753 False 1 13777777777778 Object the-good-education-chardin-jean-simeon The Good Education g 473 075 Oil on canvas special url_id EAFipaZkdZ5bAQ PD-old-100-1923 1779 Google Art Project works by Jean Siméon Chardin Genre paintings by Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts Houston People with brown background 1750s oil on canvas paintings in the United States Teaching in art |