Keywords: Chairman of Nanking autonomous committee01.jpg Only ten days after the fall of Nanking local autonomous committee was established in capital city Nanking of the anti-Japanese movement on December 23 and Tao Hsi-shan the chairman of the Red Swastika Society of Nanking was recommended as the chairman of the committee The committee is highly aimed for anticommunist and pro-Japan and is going to cooperate with the new government of Peking The chairman Tao won public confidence as a mild-mannered man of integrity As the chairman of the committee of Nanking refugees he definitely refused the deportation order of the Nanking government prior to the Battle of Nanking and stayed in Nanking Castle throughout the battle He engaged earnestly in the safety and relief for the citizens The photo shows the chairman Tao at an interview with press corps December 23 1937 陥落後わずか十日目の十二� �二十三日� �抗日の首都南京に南京� �方自治委員会が成立し� �会長には南京紅卍字会会長陶錫三氏が推挙された� �同会は防共親日を大目的とし� �北京の新政� とも協力しようとするものである� �会長の陶氏は温厚な人格� �として信� �を集めており� �日� �軍の南京攻略にあたり� �南京政� の引揚げ命令を拒否し� �� 後まで戦火の南京城内に踏止まり二十万の南京市民とともにあり� �市民の� 護救済に奔走した南京避難民委員会会長である� �写� �は記� �団と会見する陶会長(昭和十二年十二� �二十三日) ASAHI GRAPH Japanese photograph magazine Asahi Shimbun published on Jan 19 1938 � �アサヒグラフ� � (� 日新聞� �昭和13年1� �19日発行) 2008-12-19 Sweeper tamonten <span class signature-talk >talk</span> PD-Japan-oldphoto Red Swastika Society Nanking Autonomous Commission Asahi Graph |