Keywords: Celtic-knot-cross no circle.svg A quasi-celtic cross made of large symmetrical knot The knot is made up of straight lines which are vertical horizontal or at 45° angles and of circular arcs all of the same radius For a slightly more elaborate version with an additional interlaced circle see File Celtic-knot-cross svg Derived from the original PostScript vector source code by AnonMoos of File Celtic-knot-basic-linear svg and File Celtic-knot-cross svg<br/> Converted from the following PostScript source <pre> 306 500 translate 1 47 dup scale 1 825 125 setrgbcolor 24 setlinewidth 1 setlinejoin/z 20000 sqrt def/y gsave 40 setlinewidth 0 setgray def /A z 1 5 mul 77 add z -2 div 77 sub moveto 0 0 100 45 135 arc z 2 mul neg 0 100 315 255 arcn z 1 5 mul neg z 5 mul neg 100 195 135 arcn z neg 0 100 135 45 arcn z 0 100 225 315 arc z 3 mul 50 sub -50 100 135 90 arcn 64 0 rlineto z 1 5 mul 77 add z 2 div 77 add moveto 0 0 100 315 225 arcn z 2 mul neg 0 100 45 105 arc z 1 5 mul neg z 5 mul 100 165 225 arc z neg 0 100 225 315 arc z 0 100 135 45 arcn z 3 mul 50 sub 50 100 225 270 arc 64 0 rlineto y stroke grestore stroke y z 1 5 mul neg z 5 mul 100 196 225 arc 30 -30 rlineto stroke grestore z 1 5 mul neg z 5 mul 100 195 225 arc 31 -31 rlineto stroke def/B y 0 0 100 91 135 arc -30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke 0 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke z neg 0 100 91 135 arc -30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 z sub 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke z neg 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke z 0 100 91 135 arc -30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 z add 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke 15 z 1 5 mul add 15 z 2 div add moveto -30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 z 2 mul add 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke z 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke z 2 mul neg 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke grestore 0 0 100 90 135 arc -31 -31 rlineto stroke -16 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke 0 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke z neg 0 100 90 135 arc -31 -31 rlineto stroke -16 z sub 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke z neg 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke z 0 100 90 135 arc -31 -31 rlineto stroke -16 z add 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke 16 z 1 5 mul add 16 z 2 div add moveto -32 -32 rlineto stroke -16 z 2 mul add 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke z 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke z 2 mul neg 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke def 25 dup scale gsave -442 0 translate A B grestore gsave 442 0 translate 180 rotate A B grestore gsave 0 442 translate 270 rotate A B grestore gsave 0 -442 translate 90 rotate z 1 5 mul 77 add z -2 div 77 sub moveto 0 0 100 45 135 arc z 2 mul neg 0 100 315 225 arcn z 4 mul neg 0 100 45 135 arc z 6 mul neg 0 100 315 255 arcn z 5 5 mul neg z 5 mul neg 100 195 135 arcn z -5 mul 0 100 135 45 arcn z -3 mul 0 100 225 315 arc z neg 0 100 135 45 arcn z 0 100 225 315 arc z 3 mul 50 sub -50 100 135 90 arcn 64 0 rlineto z 1 5 mul 77 add z 2 div 77 add moveto 0 0 100 315 225 arcn z 2 mul neg 0 100 45 135 arc z 4 mul neg 0 100 315 225 arcn z 6 mul neg 0 100 45 105 arc z 5 5 mul neg z 5 mul 100 165 225 arc z -5 mul 0 100 225 315 arc z -3 mul 0 100 135 45 arcn z neg 0 100 225 315 arc z 0 100 135 45 arcn z 3 mul 50 sub 50 100 225 270 arc 64 0 rlineto y stroke grestore stroke y z -2 mul 0 100 91 135 arc -30 -30 rlineto stroke z -3 mul 0 100 91 135 arc -30 -30 rlineto stroke z -4 mul 0 100 91 135 arc -30 -30 rlineto stroke z -5 mul 0 100 91 135 arc -30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 z 2 mul sub 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 z 3 mul sub 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 z 4 mul sub 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke -15 z 5 mul sub 15 moveto 30 -30 rlineto stroke z 3 mul neg 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke z 4 mul neg 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke z 5 mul neg 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke z 6 mul neg 0 100 271 315 arc 30 30 rlineto stroke z 5 5 mul neg z 5 mul 100 196 225 arc 30 -30 rlineto stroke grestore z -2 mul 0 100 90 135 arc -31 -31 rlineto stroke z -3 mul 0 100 90 135 arc -31 -31 rlineto stroke z -4 mul 0 100 90 135 arc -31 -31 rlineto stroke z -5 mul 0 100 90 135 arc -31 -31 rlineto stroke -16 z 2 mul sub 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke -16 z 3 mul sub 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke -16 z 4 mul sub 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke -16 z 5 mul sub 16 moveto 32 -32 rlineto stroke z 3 mul neg 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke z 4 mul neg 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke z 5 mul neg 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke z 6 mul neg 0 100 270 315 arc 31 31 rlineto stroke z 5 5 mul neg z 5 mul 100 195 225 arc 31 -31 rlineto stroke B grestore/C 40 setlinewidth 0 setgray -68 50 moveto 37 0 rlineto stroke 24 setlinewidth 1 825 125 setrgbcolor -70 50 moveto 41 0 rlineto stroke def gsave C grestore gsave 180 rotate C grestore gsave 270 rotate C grestore gsave 90 rotate C grestore showpage EOF</pre> 2016 AnonMoos <gallery>Image Celtic-knot-basic-linear svg Image Celtic-knot-cross svg Image Knotwork-cross svg Image Knotwork-cross-multicolored svg Image Knotwork-cross-alternate svg Image Gevlochten_Iers_kruis_Irish_cross svg </gallery> Images with PostScript source code Celtic crosses Knotwork cross |