Keywords: Carroll three stratum.svg en A diagram depicting John Carroll's three-stratum model of intelligence Based on the following sources <br><br>Carroll J B 2012 The Three-Stratum Theory of Cognitive Abilities In Flanagan D P and Harrison P L eds Contemporary Intellectual Assessment pp 883-890 New York The Guilford Press <br><br>McGrew K S 2009 CHC theory and the human cognitive abilities project Standing on the shoulders of the giants of psychometric intelligence research Intelligence 37 1 “10 <br><br>Abbreviations fluid intelligence Gf crystallized intelligence Gc general memory and learning Gy broad visual perception Gv broad auditory perception Gu broad retrieval ability Gr broad cognitive speediness Gs and processing speed Gt 2012-03-20 own Victor Chmara cc-zero Intelligence IQ Psychometrics |