Keywords: Carleton Watkins (American - (Bridge over the Colorado Yuma) - Google Art Project.jpg 1829 1916 1829 - 1916 6783589 Carleton Watkins American American 1829 - 1916 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/bridge-over-the-colorado-yuma-carleton-watkins-american-1829-1916/6800091/ Carleton Watkins American 1829 - 1916 photographer /artist/carleton-e-watkins/4130510/ 4130510 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/ The J Paul Getty Museum 343005 http //www getty edu/museum 3/11/2012 11 45 46 PM /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/bridge-over-the-colorado-yuma-carleton-watkins-american-1829-1916/6800091/ 1880 1880 Bridges Boats Albumen silver 213 6800091 True 1880 3/25/2012 8 30 52 AM lido getty edu-gm-obj107705 http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html Print 1880 1890 Not on display w306 x h213 cm 1880 False 1 44225352112676 Part bridge-over-the-colorado-yuma-carleton-watkins-american-1829-1916 Bridge over the Colorado Yuma zzz 306 Albumen silver Gift in memory of Leona Naef Merrill and in honor of her sister Gladys Porterfield Bridges Boats http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html special url_id qgGoZu32FtOBgA 1916 Google Art Project works by Carleton E Watkins Uncategorized 2014 June 11 |