Keywords: Carl Gustav Carus - Landschaft bei Sonnenuntergang.jpg Artwork Creator Carl Gustav Carus ca 1830 oil paper canvas cm 13 7 19 4 institution Metropolitan Museum of Art Gallery 807 object history Hugo Perls Berlin not before 1923 “probably no later than 1931; Düppesahl Bremen; Bob Haboldt Co Inc New York until no later than 2001; Eugene V Thaw New York by 2001 “9 credit line Thaw Collection Jointly Owned by The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Morgan Library Museum Gift of Eugene V Thaw 2009 accession number 2009 400 17 110004322 PD-old-100-1923 Paintings by Carl Gustav Carus German paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1830s landscape paintings 1830 paintings |