Keywords: CabinetOrientalEntomology35.jpg en ORDER ”COLEOPTERA Section ”Pentamera Family ” Elateridae FIGURE I ”CAMPSOSTERNUS TEMPLETONII Westw Campsosternus viridi-aeneus ; pronoto lateribus marginatis cyaneis ante meJium jiarum Binuatis disco depresso cuprescenti carina media longitudinali elevata loete puiiiurca nitiJissima aiigulis posticis etiam purpureis eljlris subconvcxis postice magis cupreis sutura marginibuscjue latoralibus cyancscentibus disco sub Icnte granulosis striisque noTcm in singulo fere obliteratis ; corpore subtus cyaneo-purpurascenti lateribus tboracis et metasterni abdomineque magis cupreis antemiis pedibusque chalybseis Campsosternus brassy green ; the sides of the pronotum margined and cyaneous and slightly sinuated before the middle with a small excavation on each side beyond the middle the disk depressed and coppery having a rather raised longitudinal central carina of rich glossy purple the hind angles also purple ; the elytra rather convex rather more coppery beyond the middle the suture and lateral margins cyaneous the disk seen tlu'ough a lens is very finely granulose and each elytron has nine very fine stria; scarcely visible ; the body beneath is purple-cyaneous with the sides of the thorax and mesosternum and the abdomen more coppery ; the autennae and legs chalybeous Length of the insect 1 and 5/6 inch Inhabits Ceylon In the Collection of R Templeton Esq FIGURE 2 ”CAMPSOSTERNUS DOHRNII Westw Campsosternus feneus elytris magis auratis capite inter oculos bicanaliculato antennis brevioribus cyaneis ; pronoto convexo glaben-imo lateribus ante medium vi \ sinuatis rufo-purpureis disco ante marginem posticum bi-irapresso elytris glabris sub lente pimctis minutis impressis et ad basin sti-iis impressis notatis ; corpore subtus concolori pedibus nigro-aeneis Campsosternus brassy with the elytra more golden coloured ; the head is marked with two longitudinal impressions between the eyes ; the antennte rather short and cyaneous ; the pronotum convex and very glossy ; the sides before the middle are scarcely sinuated and are purplish-red ; the brassy disk has two impressions preceding the posterior margin ; the elytra are glossy and impressed with minute punctures visible only un der a lens ; the base is marked with several short deeper longitudinal strice ; the hody is coloured beneath as above ; the legs are brassy black Length of the insect nearly 1 inch Inhabits Assam Communicated by Major -Jenkins Named in honour of the President of the Entomological Society of Stettin FIGURE 3 ”CAMPSOSTERNUS STEPHENSII HOPE in Zool Journ p 25 Campsosternus postice valde acuminatus supra viridi-auratus Isevis capite punctate facie impressione ovali profunda pronoto impressionibus duabus obUquis prope medium mai-ginis postici lateribus integris vitta lata ferruginea margine ipso elevate teneo subtus aurato-aeneus nitidissimus prothoracis lateribus ferrugineo-rittatis pedibus aureo-asneis Campsosternus very much attenuated posteriorly above golden green smooth the head punctured the face with a deep oval impression ; the pronotum with the sides entii-e and with two oblique impressions near the middle of the posterior margin the sides with a broad femiginous baud the margin itself being elevated and brassy ; beneath brassy gold-coloured and very glossy ; sides of the prothorax broadly banded with ferruginous ; the legs brassy-golden Elytra deeply impressed at the base Length of the insect nearly I and 1/2 inch Inhabits Nepaul Gen Hardwicke In the Collection of the British Museum FIGURE 4 ”CAMPSOSTERNUS HOPEI Westw Campsosternus latus nitidissimus supra cyaneo-raidis elytris basi parum punctato-striatis ; capite nigro occipite eoncavo ; lateribus prothoracis pm-pureo late ˘ittatis mai-ginatis integris; corpore subtus cyaneo nitidissimo lateribus thoracis et abdominis purpureo-tinctis; pedibus cyaneis femoribus castaneo-ruiis Campsostemus broad convex and very glossy; above blue-green elytra at the base sUghtly punctate- striate the head black with the crown concave ; the sides of the prothorax broadly banded n-ith reddish-purple margined and entire ; body beneath cyaneous very glossy the sides of the thorax and abdomen tinged with purple ; legs cyaneous thighs chestnut-red Length of the insect 1 and 1/2 inch Inhabits Tennasserim In the British Museum FIGURE 5 ”OXYNOPTERUS CUMINGII Hope In Proc Zool Soc 1842 p 77 Oxynopterus fusco-nigricans capite et pronoto pubescentia brevl grisea indutis antennis ferrugineis capitis clypeo rotundato atro medio disci subsulcato ; prothorace fusco margmibus elevatis angulis anticis parum productisposticis acutis et extus divergentibus ; scutello postice rotundato atro ; elytris acuminatis fusco-flavis lineis tribus panira elevatis corpore infra atropiceo femoribus concoloribus mesosterno fortiter excavato cornu prosterni ad pedes medios extenso Foemina major antennis simplicibus Oxynopterus blaekish-bro\vii head and prothorax clothed with short grey pubescence antennEe ferraginous clypeus of the head rounded black ; the middle of the disc subsulcated ; prothorax bro\\'n with the lateral margins elevated the anterior angles somewhat produced the hind ones acute and extended outwardly the scutellum rounded behind and black the elyti-a acuminate at the tips fulvous-brown with three slightly elevated lines the body beneath pitchy-brown the thighs of the same colovir the mesosternum strongly excavated the prosternal spine extending to the middle feet The female is about a quarter of an inch larger and has simple antennce Length of the insect about 3 inches Inhabits the PhiUppine Islands Mr Cuming In the British Museum FIGURE 6 ”PECTOCERA MELLII Hope Op Cit p 79 Pectocera flavo-fusca griseo variegatus ; antennis pectinatis prothorace subtomentoso angulis posticis acutis elytris postice valde acuminatis ; pedibus flavo-fuscis et pubescentibus Pectocera yellowish-brown variegated with grey the antennae pectinated the pectinations not so long as in P Cantori prothorax somewhat tomentose posterior angles acute elytra posteriorly very much acummated ; legs yellowish-brown and pubescent Length of the msect about 1 inch Inhabits Simlah in Thibet In the Collection of A Melly Esq FIGURE 7 ”ALAUS MOERENS Westw Alaus supra lacteo-gi-iseus griseo nebulosus nigroque maculatus ; occipite piano ; pronoto oblongo convexo lateribus sinuatis margine postico in medio carina elevata instructo prothoracis angulis anticis macuUs lateralibus duobusque discoidahbus nigris ; elyti-onim regione scuteUari humeris maculis lateraUbus duabus in medio majoribus nigi-is regione suturali nigro tessellato apicibus subrotundatis ; antemiis pedibusque fuscis ; corpore subtus luteo-fusco fusco tessellato Alaus above cream-coloured mixed with grey and varied with grey clouds and black spots ; forehead flat pronotum oblong convex the sides ui the middle sinuated ; the hind margin with a raised space in front of the scutellum ; the anterior angles and lateral spots as well as two more distinct ones on the disc black ; the elytra neai- the scutellum the shoulders and lateral spots two of which are larger than the rest black ; the space near the suture tessellated with black the tips rather rounded ; antennas and legs brown body beneath luteous-brown tessellated with dark brown Length of the insect nearly 2 inches Inhabits India In the British Museum FIGURE 8 ”ALAUS SCULPTUS Westw Alaus niger pubescentia lutea maculatus punctisque atris velutinis varius capite punctato inter oculos profunde irapresso prothorace subrotundato supra valde convexo varioloso rivulis impressionibusque numerosis punctatis interstitiis glabris lateribus marginis postici excavatis ; elytris punetato-striatis basi prope scutellum et inter humeros profunde impressis ; apicibus truncatis ; copore subtus luteo magis tessellato Alaus black spotted with luteous pubescence and varied with black velvet-Uke patches ; head punctured deeply impressed between the eyes ; prothorax nearly rounded much constricted before the hinder angles very convex surface u regular with channels and numerous impressed spots which ai e thickly punctured leaWng the interstices glabrous ; the sides of the hind margin excavated the elytra punctate-striate the base near the scutellum and between the shoulders deeply impressed ; the tips truncated body beneath more thickly tessellated with luteous Length of the insect nearly 1 inch Inhabits the Kasyah Hills of India In the Collection of the Rev F W Hope FIGURE 9 ”ALAUS SORDIDUS Westw Alaus opacus pubescens sordide albidus maculis numerosis nigris fascia media interrupta elytrorum alteraque subapicali in medio angulata nigris ; prothorace subquadrato supra convexo ; utrinque vei-sus angulos anticos W nigra medioque nigi'a notato ; elytris punetato-striatis basi subimpressis apicibusque truncatis ; corpore subtus sordide albido opaco abdominis lateribus nigro maculatis Alaus opaque pubescent dirty buff-colom-ed varied mth numerous black spots ; a broad interrupted fascia in the middle of the elytra and a naiTower subapical one angulated at the suture all b ack ; the prothorax is nearly square convex and marked near each of the anterior angles with a black W and in the middle with a black ; elytra punctate striate slightly impres-sed at the base and truncate at the tips ; body beneath dirty buff opaque ; the sides of the abdomen with small black spots The specimen figured is a singular monstrosity ; the middle leg on the right side having the coxa and trochanter of the nonnal form followed by tlu'ee femora conjoined together at the base each with its perfect tibia and with one imperfect and two perfect tarsi Length of the insect 1 and 3/4 inch Inhabits the Island of Ceylon In the Collection of R Templeton Esq 2011-06-27 http //biodiversityheritagelibrary org J O Westwood PD-old Uploaded with UploadWizard Unidentified Coleoptera Robert Templeton Plates |