Keywords: C sharp major scale with degrees and tones.svg en C sharp major scale with degrees and tones fr Gamme de do majeur avec ses degrés et l'indication des tons 2014-03-01 11 12 40 own Romainbehar LilyPond source <pre> \version 2 16 2 \new Staff \with \remove Time_signature_engraver \set Score defaultBarType empty \clef treble \key cis \major cis'1 \markup I \once \override NoteHead 'transparent t eis \markup \with-color red 1 dis'1 \markup II \once \override NoteHead 'transparent t eis \markup \with-color red 1 eis'1 \markup III \once \override NoteHead 'transparent t eis \markup \with-color red 1/2 fis'1 \markup IV \once \override NoteHead 'transparent t eis \markup \with-color red 1 gis'1 \markup V \once \override NoteHead 'transparent t eis \markup \with-color red 1 ais'1 \markup VI \once \override NoteHead 'transparent t eis \markup \with-color red 1 bis'1 \markup VII \once \override NoteHead 'transparent t eis \markup \with-color red 1/2 cis1 \markup I </pre> cc-zero Uploaded with UploadWizard Musical scales GNU LilyPond images |