Keywords: Brueghel and Rubens, Diana and Her Nymphs Asleep, Musee Chasse et Nature.JPG Artwork Creator Jan Brueghel I and Creator Peter Paul Rubens Diana and Her Nymphs Asleep Observed by Satyrs ~ 1623-1624 61 x 98 cm oil on canvas Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature Paris PD-old-100 Photo Henry Townsend other versions Peter Paul Rubens 084 jpg Version from 10 000 Meisterwerke der Malerei Paintings in the Musée de la chasse et de la nature Rubens Jan Brueghel I 1623 Diana by Peter Paul Rubens 1623 Paintings of Diana and nymphs Paintings of sleeping Diana Paintings of Diana with dogs 17th-century greyhounds in art |