Keywords: Brouwer, Adriaen - Interior of a Tavern - Google Art Project.jpg ~ 1630 1605/6 1605 1638 1638 Adriaen 571263 Brouwer 1605/6 - 1638 /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/artwork/interior-of-a-tavern-brouwer-adriaen/571264/ Brouwer Adriaen Artist /artist/adriaen-brouwer/4125394/ 4125394 /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/ Dulwich Picture Gallery 363171 http //www dulwichpicturegallery org uk/ 12/28/2011 11 55 29 PM /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/artwork/interior-of-a-tavern-brouwer-adriaen/571264/ 1629 c 1630 Dutch Oil Panel London Noel Desenfans 1786-1807 London Christie's Desenfans private sale 8ff Apr 1786 lot 50 ÔConversation' ; 1804 Insurance List no X ; London Sir Francis Bourgeois by 1811; Bourgeois Bequest 1811 324 571264 False 1631 3/24/2012 4 26 32 AM 108 Painting 1620 1640 w432 x h324 cm c 1630 False 1 2994923857868 Object interior-of-a-tavern-brouwer-adriaen Interior of a Tavern i 432 Bourgeois Sir Peter Francis Bequest 1811 Oil London Noel Desenfans 1786-1807 London Christie's Desenfans private sale 8ff Apr 1786 lot 50 ÔConversation' ; 1804 Insurance List no X ; London Sir Francis Bourgeois by 1811; Bourgeois Bequest 1811 Panel Dutch special url_id FAGWzfbwaLG1rA PD-old-100-1923 1638 Google Art Project works by Adriaen Brouwer Paintings by Adriaen Brouwer 1630 Interior Of A Tavern Tavern interiors by Adriaen Brouwer 1630 Interior Of A Tavern Flemish paintings in the Dulwich Picture Gallery Brouwer |