Keywords: Bridge auction competitive.png red to show a 3-card diamond suit and South with close to opening values overcalls with 1 red West bids 1 to show length in spades North bids 2 to show strength in clubs East raises partner's suit to 2 South casts one more bid of 3 West with a 7-card suit raises to 4 but per the Law of Total Tricks does not wish to raise to slam without further information in case East has only a 3 or 4-card suit However East with a reasonably strong hand uses the Blackwood convention 4NT to asks for aces East responds with 5 red to show one ace South passes and with West only holding two aces they decide to forgo the grand slam and bid 6 red a small slam The points awarded for making this contract is 620 20 × 6 + 500 if not vulnerable and 870 20 × 6 + 750 if vulnerable 2016-08-07 own Esquivalience other versions cc-zero Uncategorized 2016 August 7 |