MAKE A MEME View Large Image Botticelli (Sandro di Mariano Filipepi) - Annunciation - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project creator Sandro Botticelli Other date ca 1495 1498 institution Pushkin Museum Around 1445 Florence Italy 1445 Florence Italy 1510 Male 519183 ...
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Keywords: Botticelli (Sandro di Mariano Filipepi) - Annunciation - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project creator Sandro Botticelli Other date ca 1495 1498 institution Pushkin Museum Around 1445 Florence Italy 1445 Florence Italy 1510 Male 519183 Italian Around 1445 /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/artwork/annunciation-botticelli-sandro-di-mariano-filipepi/519184/ Botticelli Sandro di Mariano Filipepi /artist/sandro-botticelli/4128053/ 4128053 /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/ The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Moscow 393002 http //www arts-museum ru/ 12/14/2011 9 02 04 AM /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/artwork/annunciation-botticelli-sandro-di-mariano-filipepi/519184/ 1495 In Florence till the beginning of the 1860s; held in the collection of Count A S Stroganov in St Petersburg after 1862; acquired by the Hermitage Museum from the Stroganov Palace-Museum Petrograd in 1922; in the Pushkin Museum since 1928 True 450 519184 True 1498 3/24/2012 3 06 29 AM Inv 1610 1612 http //www italian-art ru/canvas/8-14_century/b/botticelli/archangel_gabriel/index php lang en painting 1490 1500 w130 x h450 mm 1495 - 1498 False 0 78125 Object annunciation-botticelli-sandro-di-mariano-filipepi Annunciation a 130 en In Florence till the beginning of the 1860s; held in the collection of Count A S Stroganov in St Petersburg after 1862; acquired by the Hermitage Museum from the Stroganov Palace-Museum Petrograd in 1922; in the Pushkin Museum since 1928 special url_id lgGgx-EOjVkxZg PD-old-100-1923 1510 Google Art Project works by Sandro Botticelli Annunciation by Botticelli
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