Keywords: Bondarzewiaceae Maximum Likelihood-Tree .svg Evolutionary relationships of Cortinarius cinnamoneus and relatives Figure Bondarzewiaceae-Tree analysis by Maximum Likelihood method The evolutionary history was inferred by using the Maximum Likelihood method based on the Tamura-Nei model 1 The tree with the highest log likelihood -4470 5118 is shown The percentage of trees in which the associated taxa clustered together is shown next to the branches A user-specified tree was used as an initial tree in the heuristic search A discrete Gamma distribution was used to model evolutionary rate differences among sites 5 categories +G parameter 0 5299 The rate variation model allowed for some sites to be evolutionarily invariable +I 39 2989 sites The tree is drawn to scale with branch lengths measured in the number of substitutions per site The analysis involved 31 nucleotide sequences All positions with less than 95 site coverage were eliminated That is fewer than 5 alignment gaps missing data and ambiguous bases were allowed at any position There were a total of 874 positions in the final dataset The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test 500 replicates are shown next to the branches Evolutionary analyses were conducted in MEGA7 2 Incorrect identifications are marked with a red ' ' The branch with the Bondarzewiaceae is drawed ticker Sources of used sequences All sequences are taken from the http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/ NCBI Nucleotide-Genbank http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ651510 Heterobasidion abietinum KJ651510 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ651537 Heterobasidion irregulare KJ651537 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ651512 Heterobasidion amyloideum KJ651512 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506430 Echinodontium tinctorium AF506430 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ583221 Bondarzewia podocarpi KJ583221 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/DQ234539 Bondarzewia montana DQ234539 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ583216 Bondarzewia berkeleyi KJ583216 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ807076 Amylosporus bracei KJ807076 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ807077 Amylosporus campbellii KJ807077 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/KJ807084 Wrightoporia rubella KJ807084 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/GU234128 Wrightoporia avellanea AF506488 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/DQ367899 Stereum hirsutum AF506479 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506489 Wrightoporia lenta AF506489 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506459 Hericium coralloides AF506459 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506458 Hericium americanum AF506458 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506460 Hericium erinaceum AF506460 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506405 Amylostereum areolatum AF506405 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506407 Amylostereum laevigatum AF506407 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506406 Amylostereum chailletii AF506406 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506431 Echinodontium ryvardenii AF506431 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF393056 Echinodontium tinctorium AF393056 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506417 Lentinellus cochleatus AF506417 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506419 Lentinellus ursinus AF506419 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506415 Lentinellus auricula AF506415 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506413 Lactarius volemus AF506413 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506411 Lactarius leonis AF506411 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506427 Russula aurantiaca AF506427 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506465 Russula violacea AF506465 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/JN712676 Auricularia auricula-judae JN712676 http //www ncbi nlm nih gov/nuccore/AF506493 Exidia glandulosa AF506493 References 1 Tamura K and Nei M 1993 Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees Molecular Biology and Evolution 10 512-526 2 Kumar S Stecher G and Tamura K 2015 MEGA7 Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 7 0 for bigger datasets Molecular Biology and Evolution submitted own Created with MEGA7 and Inkscape 2016-03-06 Thkgk Cc-zero other versions Russulales Cc-zero |