Keywords: Blakston Swayzland Wiener Lamprotornis purpureiceps.jpg Farblithographie aus W Blakston W Swayzland A Wiener Canaries and Cage Birds Cassell London 1878 Samtglanzstar Lamprotornis purpureiceps Chromolithograph from W Blakston W Swayzland A Wiener Canaries and Cage Birds Cassell London 1878 Purple-headed Glossy-starling Lamprotornis purpureiceps Blakston W A; Swaysland W; Wiener August F http //archive org/details/illustratedbooko00blak The illustrated book of canaries and cage-birds British and foreign http //archive org/stream/illustratedbooko00blak page/n525/mode/2up Page 422 1878 William Rutledge 1732-1786 http //www findartinfo com/german/search/listprices asp keyword 130754 Vincent Brooks Day Son Blakston Swayzland Wiener Starlings jpg PD-old Hylopsar purpureiceps 1878 lithographs The illustrated book of canaries and cage-birds British and foreign 1878 |