Keywords: Biogeographical Regions Europe - Map (intl).png Biogeographical maps of Europe PD-EEA Source Full references in European Environment Agency Europe's environment the third assessment Environmental assessment report No 10 Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities p 231 Date 05/2003 Relations http //reports eea eu int/environmental_assessment_report_2003_10/en http //dataservice eea eu int/dataservice/metadetails asp id 308 Type Map Version 5 Technical producer European Environment Agency http //www eea eu int Original data used to produce the analysis Biogeographical regions Europe 2001 The bio-geographic regions dataset contains the official delineations used in the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC and for the EMERALD Network set up under the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats Bern Convention Published in the following report s Europe's environment the third assessment This is the third pan-European state of the environment report produced by the EEA It was prepared for the 'Environment for Europe' Ministerial Conference being held under the auspices of the UN Economic Commission for Europe in Kiev Ukraine on 21-23 May 2003 This assessment is the most comprehensive up-to-date overview currently available of the state of the environment on this continent In contrast to previous reports issued in 1995 and 1998 it covers for the first time the entire Russian Federation and the 11 other Eastern European Caucasus and Central Asian EECCA states The report also analyses how the main economic driving forces put pressure on the European environment and identifies key areas where further action is needed Owner en European Environment Agency SVG versions <gallery> Image Europe biogeography countries svg SVG with country borders Image Europe biogeography regions svg SVG without country borders Image Europe biogeography blank svg SVG country borders only blank </gallery> |