Keywords: Belisario Corenzio - Meeting of Saints Francis and Clara - Google Art Project.jpg 1590 1646 Belisario 6718031 Corenzio 1590 - 1646 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/meeting-of-saints-francis-and-clara-belisario-corenzio/6718036/ 68247 Belisario Corenzio /artist/belisario-corenzio/6815362/ 6815362 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/ Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 3644669 http //www cooperhewitt org/ 3/11/2012 5 42 08 PM /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/meeting-of-saints-francis-and-clara-belisario-corenzio/6718036/ 1620 ca 1630 Pen and brown ink brush and gray wash white gouache on cream laid paper lined on secondary support tipped into paper frame Giovanni Piancastelli 6718036 False 1640 3/25/2012 5 59 27 AM 1938-88-7283 http //collection cooperhewitt org/view/objects/asitem/id/68247 Museum purchase through gift of various donors and from Eleanor G Hewitt Fund Drawing 1620 1650 ca 1630 False 1 2994923857868 Object meeting-of-saints-francis-and-clara-belisario-corenzio Meeting of Saints Francis and Clara m 19 x 26 cm 7 1/2 x 10 1/4 in Sarasota Fl - The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Baroque Painters of Naples Mar 4 - April 4 1961 no 46 reprod Pen and brown ink brush and gray wash white gouache on cream laid paper lined on secondary support tipped into paper frame Giovanni Piancastelli special url_id rwHBtwH1WerZQg PD-old-100-1923 1646 Drawings and paintings in the Cooper “Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Google Art Project works by Belisario Corenzio Belisario Corenzio 1630s drawings Drawings of Francis of Assisi Clare of Assisi Google Art Project works in Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum |