Keywords: Beggrow 016.jpg Alexander Karlovich Beggrov 1841-1914 View of the Anichkov Bridge in St Petersburg Александ� Ка� лович Бегг� ов 1841-1914 Вид на Аничков мост в Санкт-Пете� бу� ге Location частное соб� ание <br> Dimensions 79 5х100 5 cm <br> Web source http //www 1st-art-gallery com/Aleksandr-Karlovich-Beggrov/View-Of-The-Anichkov-Bridge-In-St -Petersburg html <br> Technique oil on canvas < 1914 creator Alexander Karlovich Beggrov PD-old-auto 1914 Alexander Karlovich Beggrov Anichkov bridge 18th-20th century Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace |