Keywords: Battle Trebia-fr.svg The battle of Trebia 218 B C second Punic War between Carthaginians and Romans La bataille de la Trébie -218 durant la seconde guerre punique entre les Carthaginois et les Romains Схема битвы п и Т еббии на английском языке 2007-10-17 Sémhur Frank Martini cartographer http //www dean usma edu/history/ Department of History United States Military Academy PD-USGov Other versions/Battle Trebia Information field SVG ValidSVG Inkscape yes Translation possible Information field Atelier graphique Atelier graphique carte 45 0515 9 6354 region IT_dim 12km_heading 0 Battle of Trebia 201 BC Maps of the United States Military Academy SVG maps showing history in French Files created by User Sémhur Maps by User Sémhur |