Keywords: AVALONIA.svg Actual lands with country boundaries having been part of Avalonia terrane Les territoires actuels avec frontières nationales ayant fait partie du terrane d'Avalonia File AVALONIA jpg JPEG in French Other fields + Maps Aa-pahoehoe Key English Laurentia Baltica Proto-Tethys Ocean Western Avalonia Eastern Avalonia Cols 50 legend b9ffb9 US United States CT Connecticut MA Massachussetts NH New Hampshire ME Maine RI Rhode-Island ffffe0 CA Canada NB New Brunswick NFL Newfoundland NS Nova-Scotia PE Prince Edward Island 50 ffe9e1 IE Ireland ffb9ff UK United Kingdom ebebff FR France 99f7f7 BE Belgium b9ffb9 NL Netherlands ffffb9 DE Germany ffb9b9 PL Poland Français Laurentia Baltica Océan Prototéthys Avalonia Occidentale Avalonia Orientale Cols 50 legend b9ffb9 US Etats Unis CT Connecticut MA Massachussetts NH New-Hampshire ME Maine RI Rhode-Island ffffe0 CA Canada NB Nouveau-Brunswick NFL Terre-Neuve NS Nova-Scotia PE Ile-du-Prince-Edward 50 ffe9e1 IE Irlande ffb9ff UK Royaume-Uni ebebff FR France 99f7f7 BE Belgique b9ffb9 NL Pays-Bas ffffb9 DE Allemagne ffb9b9 PL Pologne Maps of past tectonic plates Avalonia |