Keywords: arthur charles hubert latham special collection photo north island san diego aviation aviator hubert latham hubertlatham antoinette monoplane antoinettemonoplane blackandwhite people monochrome black and white Catalog #: 09_02088 Title: Arthur Charles Hubert Latham Special Collection Photo North Island San Diego Additional Information: Portrait of Hubert Latham. Typewritten inscription ""A conquis une surprenante maitise dans le Monoplan Antoinette, homme etonnant par son courage, son habilete, sa tenacite. A presque reussi la traversee de la Manche, remporta de grans succes a Reims. Il emerveilla le public de Berlin en passant dans une bourrasque audessus des faubourgs. Il vient enfin d'etonner le Monda en s'elevant a Mourmelon a 1,100 metres au-dessus du sol."", Hubert Latham (1883 - 1912) was a French aviation pioneer who was the first pilot to attempt to cross the English Channel, and the first to land an aircraft on a body of water. Tags: Arthur Charles Hubert Latham Special Collection Photo North Island San Diego Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive Catalog #: 09_02088 Title: Arthur Charles Hubert Latham Special Collection Photo North Island San Diego Additional Information: Portrait of Hubert Latham. Typewritten inscription ""A conquis une surprenante maitise dans le Monoplan Antoinette, homme etonnant par son courage, son habilete, sa tenacite. A presque reussi la traversee de la Manche, remporta de grans succes a Reims. Il emerveilla le public de Berlin en passant dans une bourrasque audessus des faubourgs. Il vient enfin d'etonner le Monda en s'elevant a Mourmelon a 1,100 metres au-dessus du sol."", Hubert Latham (1883 - 1912) was a French aviation pioneer who was the first pilot to attempt to cross the English Channel, and the first to land an aircraft on a body of water. Tags: Arthur Charles Hubert Latham Special Collection Photo North Island San Diego Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive |