Keywords: Arfvedsonit, Eudialyte, Microcline-289192.jpg Arfvedsonite Eudialyte Microcline FOV 2 2 x 2 9 mm Locality Demix-Varennes quarry Saint-Amable sill Varennes St-Amable Lajemmerais RCM Montérégie Québec Canada Arfvedsonite is rare at STA This small nearly black xl is about as good as it gets - i e not very good The orange xl is eudialyte group So far only plain eudialyte has been verified at STA but it's always possible other species will turn up Note According to Laszlo Horvath color is not a reliable or even useful guide for distinguishing eudialyte group members at MSH So the orange color does NOT mean that it can't be just plain eudialyte at STA In fact orange and pink/red eudialyte are about equally common here From a very unusual association with verified epistolite zakharovite verified phillipsite-K aegirine some visible in the photo serandite polylithionite natrolite and analcime Arfvedsonit Eudialyt Mikroklin Sichtfeld 2 2 x 2 9 mm Fundort Grube Demix-Varennes Saint-Amable Schwelle Varennes St-Amable Lajemmerais RCM Montérégie Québec Kanada http //www mindat org/photo-289192 html 2010-02-25 http //www mindat org/user-11235 html 0 Modris Baum Modris Baum Arfvedsonite Eudialyte Microcline Files by Modris Baum from mindat Minerals of Demix-Varennes quarry |