Keywords: Ann E. Kelly - Sampler - Google Art Project.jpg 1814 1814 Ann 6717270 E Kelly 1814 - 1814 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/sampler-ann-e-kelly/4174967/ 75182 Ann E Kelly /artist/ann-e-kelly/6829568/ 6829568 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/ Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 3644669 http //www cooperhewitt org/ 3/11/2012 5 42 41 PM /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/sampler-ann-e-kelly/4174967/ 1828 1828 Medium silk embroidery cotton foundation painted paperTechnique embroidered in chain buttonhole satin and cross stitches on plain weave foundation By 1941 Mrs Henry E Coe Eva Johnston Coe 1941 Museum for the Arts of Decoration of the Cooper Union 490 4174967 False 1828 3/25/2012 4 59 31 AM 1941-69-119 http //collection cooperhewitt org/view/objects/asitem/id/75182 Bequest of Mrs Henry E Coe Sampler 1820 1830 w490 x h490 cm 1828 False 1 Object sampler-ann-e-kelly Sampler s 490 Ethel Stanwood Bolton and Eva Johnston Coe American Samplers Boston The Massachusetts Society of the Colonial Dames of America 1921 183 Plate XCVII H x W 48 9 x 48 9 cm 19 1/4 x 19 1/4 in Ann E Kelly was born in Halifax April 20 in the year of our Lord 1814 and made this sampler in Mrs Leah Meguier's school in Harrisburg January 21 1828 Medium silk embroidery cotton foundation painted paperTechnique embroidered in chain buttonhole satin and cross stitches on plain weave foundation By 1941 Mrs Henry E Coe Eva Johnston Coe 1941 Museum for the Arts of Decoration of the Cooper Union special url_id mwEOiDQ846iyjg PD-old-100-1923 1814 Google Art Project works by Ann E Kelly Textiles in the Cooper �Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum 1820s samplers Google Art Project works in Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum 1828 works |